My Motivation..
I have always had a deep connection to nature and through my journey as a shamanic practitioner this has evolved into a soul calling. As I began to connect with the master plants of South America, their medicine, teachings and magic having found their way to the uk, I felt I wanted to create a bridge, whereby the guardians of our lands could create a container to hold and offer support to myself and others who wished to work with, and journey along side them, and also with plants from other lands. This container would grow into my own Medicine Wheel!
Oak was the first to call to me, but in what way could I work with and honour this magnificent being!? I had already done three immersions with Rose, but I knew that to work with a tree in this way you would normally commit to 6 months of isolation, which I could not commit to. So I sat with Oak and received the guidance to create an Essence. This meant I could carry on my normal life while also connecting deeply with Oak through the medicine of the Essence.
I started researching the Celtic Medicine Wheel, there was not much information out there however it gave me a starting point. I felt I wanted to assign a tree to each of the directions and also an animal and an insect. As Oak had first called to me it made sense that Oak sat in the centre of the medicine wheel.
From here something took over and I found myself birthing my Celtic Medicine Wheel Essences collection. Over three months I began to journey around the wheel of the year and in each section the Guardians would take their place. I would spend roughly a week and a half with each Allie, birthing their unique essence. Sitting daily in meditation with a crystal bowl, which contained spring water, while I communed with the tree, animal or insect I was working with. Their essence, energy, healing and teachings transferring into the water. I sang and channeled icaros, I held space while the allies embodied and blessed the water. I then also charged the water with crystals. It was quite the process! By the end of the three months I had created my own Medicine Wheel!!
Over the next 5 years I journeyed around the wheel of the year, connecting more and more deeply with each of the allies. Along side this other plants called to me. I did immersions (soft dieta, whereby you still have some contact with other people) with Mugwort, Dandelion and Amanita Muscaria (2 x 3 week immersions, 1 x dieta, plus a year of micro-dosing protocol) and Dieta (dieta is where you isolate) with Blue lotus and Bobinsana.
Then Oak called again, it was time, time to go deeper. The Trees asked me to commit to working with each one for three months, completing my time with them in a 10 day dieta.
I have received so much healing, and teachings from working with plants and trees, that the next step is to start sharing dieta/immersions with others. To hold a space whereby we can re-connect, remember and reawaken our connection and relationship to the medicine we hold within us and to that of our own lands.
Rose sits along side Oak in the centre of my medicine wheel. She is such a gentle yet powerful plant Allie and is so open and giving. Of course she would be the first to offer herself.
Like us she is a multifaceted being. She has many parts, each bringing their own unique medicine, teachings, insights and healings. Like her we have many parts seeking acknowledgement, understanding, healing and a voice to be heard. There may be parts that are traumatised that long for resolution, or wish to express their voice or creative flow.
We are offering a space to step up into Sovereignty, to reparent ourselves. To be the parent and the child simultaneously. To meet our unmet needs and find resolution. So that we may all blossom, thrive and flourish.
Immersions give us the opportunity to be with others in community, each of us contributing through karma yoga. This is an opportunity to step up. To embody the Sovereign. For each of us to be holding space for everyone, energetically, while also holding space for ourselves. We sit in a circle, all equal.
Our immersions will also provide a space to go within, to be our own healer. To take space away from the busyness and noise of life. Rose there along side us to offer support when needed. Our immersion will predominantly be in sacred silence. Giving us space to be in connection with ourselves and Rose, without distraction. We will be offering daily practices and sessions together, some of which will be open to speaking. All are optional.
We are also blessed to have a team highly skilled and experienced practitioners, who can offer support if needed.
Oak was the first to call to me, but in what way could I work with and honour this magnificent being!? I had already done three immersions with Rose, but I knew that to work with a tree in this way you would normally commit to 6 months of isolation, which I could not commit to. So I sat with Oak and received the guidance to create an Essence. This meant I could carry on my normal life while also connecting deeply with Oak through the medicine of the Essence.
I started researching the Celtic Medicine Wheel, there was not much information out there however it gave me a starting point. I felt I wanted to assign a tree to each of the directions and also an animal and an insect. As Oak had first called to me it made sense that Oak sat in the centre of the medicine wheel.
From here something took over and I found myself birthing my Celtic Medicine Wheel Essences collection. Over three months I began to journey around the wheel of the year and in each section the Guardians would take their place. I would spend roughly a week and a half with each Allie, birthing their unique essence. Sitting daily in meditation with a crystal bowl, which contained spring water, while I communed with the tree, animal or insect I was working with. Their essence, energy, healing and teachings transferring into the water. I sang and channeled icaros, I held space while the allies embodied and blessed the water. I then also charged the water with crystals. It was quite the process! By the end of the three months I had created my own Medicine Wheel!!
Over the next 5 years I journeyed around the wheel of the year, connecting more and more deeply with each of the allies. Along side this other plants called to me. I did immersions (soft dieta, whereby you still have some contact with other people) with Mugwort, Dandelion and Amanita Muscaria (2 x 3 week immersions, 1 x dieta, plus a year of micro-dosing protocol) and Dieta (dieta is where you isolate) with Blue lotus and Bobinsana.
Then Oak called again, it was time, time to go deeper. The Trees asked me to commit to working with each one for three months, completing my time with them in a 10 day dieta.
I have received so much healing, and teachings from working with plants and trees, that the next step is to start sharing dieta/immersions with others. To hold a space whereby we can re-connect, remember and reawaken our connection and relationship to the medicine we hold within us and to that of our own lands.
Rose sits along side Oak in the centre of my medicine wheel. She is such a gentle yet powerful plant Allie and is so open and giving. Of course she would be the first to offer herself.
Like us she is a multifaceted being. She has many parts, each bringing their own unique medicine, teachings, insights and healings. Like her we have many parts seeking acknowledgement, understanding, healing and a voice to be heard. There may be parts that are traumatised that long for resolution, or wish to express their voice or creative flow.
We are offering a space to step up into Sovereignty, to reparent ourselves. To be the parent and the child simultaneously. To meet our unmet needs and find resolution. So that we may all blossom, thrive and flourish.
Immersions give us the opportunity to be with others in community, each of us contributing through karma yoga. This is an opportunity to step up. To embody the Sovereign. For each of us to be holding space for everyone, energetically, while also holding space for ourselves. We sit in a circle, all equal.
Our immersions will also provide a space to go within, to be our own healer. To take space away from the busyness and noise of life. Rose there along side us to offer support when needed. Our immersion will predominantly be in sacred silence. Giving us space to be in connection with ourselves and Rose, without distraction. We will be offering daily practices and sessions together, some of which will be open to speaking. All are optional.
We are also blessed to have a team highly skilled and experienced practitioners, who can offer support if needed.